Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Animation fun times

A quick runthrough of building up the animation. Starting off rough and sketchy:

Bit of a cleanup and colour for a quick shadow test:

Then into the scene.

Behold, a child is born.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scene 20 - enviroment

So...the environment for scene 20 is finished and rendered. Inspirations: 50s 60s design + Jonny Bravo series:

Colour and some details are based on Steph's artwork: 

Modelling, uv mapping, texturing stages:

UV maps created:  

And some trial and error examples of textures:


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Props and enviroment details - scene 20

Below you can find examples of props and environment details in different  stages of production: